CISA Cybersecurity Grants and why you should apply…

The federal government is concerned about the safety of the data collected by public safety agencies and for good reason. Every week there is another news story detailing an event that prevent organizations from completing their mission. Furthermore, it comprises sensitive information that belongs to the people those organizations serve.

Here are the top priorities they would like public safety organizations to address, and they also happen to be the type of work that IPS specializes in…

  • Implement multifactor authentication

  • Enable enhanced logging

  • Use data encryption for data at rest and in transit

  • End the use of unsupported/end of life software and hardware that are accessible from the internet

  • Restrict the use of known/fixed/default passwords and credentials

  • Ensure the ability to reconstitute systems (backups)

  • Engage in rapid bidirectional sharing between CISA and SLT entities to drive down cyber risk

  • Migrate to the .gov internet domain

Want to know more? Here’s a link to the announcement at

Want to discuss how IPS can help? Reach out and lets have a conversation.


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